Work Experience

The top of this page are recent tech-specific work experiences. Further below are other work experiences that contributed to me being a well-rounded individual.

Hardware Design Engineer • Pulsenics

June 2021 - September 2022

  • Hardware Design
    • designed LED Board & Calibration Board + improved existing board layouts / schematics (Alitum)
    • Managed build orders of 20+ units including board and component ordering, board population, mechanical shell, and more
  • Software Development
    • Developed IoT Connectivity for ethernet / cellular. Met critical functional requirement for redundant connectivity. (Linux, Python)
    • Developed Remote Firmware Updates. Allowed for hotpatches and remote debugging, saving $1000's+ on sending techs to field. (Python, C++, C#)
    • Created automation scripts for device setup, eliminating human error and saving hours of setup / device (Python, Shell)
  • Quality Assurance / Testing & Verification
    • Tested and verified 15+ hardware devices for 8+ multi-year client deployments and demos
    • Improved QA methodologies, reducing initial on-site failures to 0
    • Reduced QA time per device by 50% through automation testing and in-house multi-port calibration board (Python, Alitum)
  • Manufacturing and Assembly
    • Reduced in-house assembly time from 30+ hours to under 10 hours through workflow data analysis, PCB improvements, script automation, vendor and contract manufacturing strategies, mechanical improvements, & inventory management (Altium, Python, FreeCad, BOMIST, Microsoft Visio)
    • Performed cost analysis and forecasting to meet business requirements and KPIs (Microsoft Excel)

Hardware Development Intern • Dominion Voting Systems

June 2019 - October 2020

  • Automated Stress Testing for backup power supply system: saved 100+ hrs over 4 months
  • Used benchwork equipment to assemble, repair, and debug electrical and mechanical components
  • Conducted onsite election preparation support for New Brunswick Provincial Election

Electronics and Embedded Systems Designer, Cofounder • Brodin Tech

Apr 2019 - May 2021

  • Designed and produced PCB, programmed microcontroller, and prototyped device (Eagle, EasyEDA)
  • Carried out customer interviews for qualitative and quantitative analysis
  • Wrote Market Research Report for analysing business opportunities
  • Managed buget of $13 000 (obtained through entrepreneurial awards)